Hard Money Lending Tips At last! The golden real estate deal that you are looking for have already crossed your path. It is really a great deal for you but what happens if you do not have enough time to come up with the money that is needed for the deal to be closed or your bank just won’t provide the needed financial amount for securing the property? Will you just sit down and cry like a little baby or will you look for another option to obtain the golden real estate deal? With the help of a hard money lender such as twin cities private lenders you will be able to obtain the property in just a short amount of time. This type of lending is an asset backed lending where in the value of the portion of the property being purchased by the borrower serves as a security for the received funds from the lender. This is a very useful type of lending method when it comes to the needs of quick money for purchasing real estate properties that requires the needed funds in just a short notice. But before you go out in search of a local hard money lender, a few factors needs to be considered and kept in mind if you are to make this option a success in acquiring the golden real estate you wanted to have. Costs
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The lenders of this particular type of lending such as the twin cities private lenders has a reputation of having higher rate charges compared to banks because of the reasons that the looser lending criteria (the credit profile of the borrower as it is commonly referred to) is not of much importance when it comes to this particular type of lending since the value of the property that serves as a collateral for the money is the most important factor in this type of lending and aside from that there is this short period of time that the borrower requested for the needed money. It is therefore conclusive that hard money lending rates does not depend on the actual bank rates. Rate charges of hard money lending will depend on the availability of the hard money credit aside from the real estate market value of the property. Hard money lending usually charges from 12 to 21% up front depending on the particular property being used as a collateral and additional higher default rates will be charged to the borrower in cases where payment terms has not been met. Although hard money lending have an anticipated higher charge rate, it is still very important that you are making sure that the rate that you are charged with when it comes to hard money lending is the normal standard range in the market.
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The amount When it comes to hard money lending the borrower should know that the typical amount of funds that the lenders should lent must not be of a loan to value ratio as banks do, instead it must be a loan to value basis. Hard money lending’s loan to value ratio must be at 60% as this is the usual LTV ratio on hard money lending.
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